The Secret to Happiness.
I’ve often heard the secret to happiness is pursuing your life’s purpose. But how do I know what that is? Do I only have one purpose? I enjoy lots of things. Can they all be possible life pursuits or will only one bring me true peace and fulfillment?
The series I’m writing has the recurring theme of embracing your purpose. As I see my characters struggle with it, the topic of my own purpose keeps circling my brain. I’m hoping if I write about the issue, it will clarify things for me. It would also help to know what you think, so be sure to comment with your opinions below.
Do I Only Have One Purpose?
First, is there only one purpose for me, and if I get it wrong, am I doomed to an unfulfilled life? I think maybe purposes change, mold, and become more defined over a lifetime. I believe in free will, and I can’t have free will without choices. In the beginning, there must have been several paths for me, and as I made decisions and responded to my environment, I stepped closer to a clearer path.
An image comes to mind from my high school textbook. It was a picture showing the circulatory system of the human body. The tiny veins at our extremities are like the beginning of our lives, and with each choice, we move closer and closer to the heart of our life’s meaning.
The World is Complicated.
I also draw comparisons from the world around me, and I don’t think anyone would argue that the world is complex. Knowing that, I find it hard to believe that each human being is created for one single purpose. Even a flower can have multiple purposes, so why not me? I do think, as I’ve aged, my life’s meaning has become more defined. As I’ve learned what I like, developed hobbies, and become more honest with myself, the puzzle pieces that make up my life have fallen into place to make a clearer picture.
So after thinking over this for a while, I believe we have multiple purposes. But as we grow, I think one specific purpose emerges as the most direct path to happiness. As we mature, if we have the confidence to look, the purpose becomes apparent.
How Do I Know What It Is?
That leads me to the second part of this issue. How do I know it’s my purpose? It has to be more than just my wants and wishes. I mean, I want a million dollars, but I highly doubt that’s my life’s purpose. I’ve been trying to come up with some criteria. I don’t want to search the internet and give copy cat answers. I truly want to use this post as an exercise in thinking. I’ve spent the last few days considering this question, and below are the answers I have come up with that feel right to me.
The Pathway to Finding My Purpose.
- Pursuing your purpose won’t feel like a job. You’ll have self-motivation and drive to continue, and it won’t feel draining. Even long hours with little sleep, while physically exhausting, won’t tire your mind. If anything, you’ll find yourself annoyed that you have to stop to do things like sleep.
- A purpose should be something that contributes to the world meaningfully. That doesn’t mean it has to be world changing. It can be a small contribution, but it should make an impact to improve your surroundings.
- A true purpose will be hard to abandon. Life might get in the way and put the brakes on advancement, but I don’t think a true purpose could be ignored. In some way, I think you’ll find your thoughts and life decisions bringing you back to it over and over again.
- When you’re moving toward your purpose, I think opportunities will arise and pieces will fall into place. It’ll feel like you’re swimming with the current instead of against it. It may seem like huge coincidences or a lucky streak, but I think if you’re walking toward your purpose, life “feels” easier.
- While I think your life will “feel” easier, in some ways, you’ll also be under attack. I believe in the great battle of good vs evil. Whether you believe in God, Karma, or Fate, when you’re doing your part to contribute good, darkness pushes back. For me, that shows up in doubts, fears, and indecision. So yes, I find life feels easier when I’m pursuing my purpose, but I also have to be careful not to succumb to personal attacks trying to distract me. (ex. Opportunities fall into my lap, but then I struggle with the confidence to grab them.)
Those are the things I used to identify my purpose, and I feel confident I’m on the right track. If you read through that list and still claim you don’t know what your purpose is, I would challenge that you aren’t being completely honest with yourself. That can be really hard to do, and it’s something I think comes with age. Take some time to meditate on your life, passions, and goals. What legacy do you want to leave behind? It might be as simple as being a dedicated parent or a mentor to your students. It doesn’t have to be on the level of Mother Teresa.
If you get into a quiet space and really look inward, I’ll bet a specific idea bubbles to the surface of your thoughts. It might be a little scary, so maybe you have to start with small baby steps, but every meme on the internet promises it will be worth it. I wish nothing but the best for you all as you pursue your happiness. Tell me below. How did you know you were on the right path for you?
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